Saturday 8 February 2014

Who is entitled to share in self acquired property of Hindu in Indian Law?


Khushlikeu’s Blog

One person was allotted a flat in his name. With the passage of time he became father of two children one son and one daughter. Time moved and lot of things changed in his life. Many years later dispute arose between husband and wife. Husband left the flat and stated living with his daughter. At the time of death he left a will in which he bestowed his only property on his daughter.
Now the question is whether he had the right to give that property to his daughter under will?
As per Indian Law a person can give his self acquired property to anyone through Will.
Whether his son has any right in the property?
As the property was a self acquired property therefore son do not have any right in the property.
Whether the wife has any right in the property?
Wife do not have any right in the property because under the will the property was exclusively given to daughter.
What would have happened if he would have died without living behind any will?
In that case the property would be divided among class one heirs.
Who are class one heirs under the hindu law?
Son, daughter, widow, mother, son of a pre-deceased son, daughter of a pre-deceased son, son of a pre-deceased daughter, duaghter of a pre-deceased daughter, widow of a pre-deceased son, son of pre-deceased son of a pre-deceased son, daughter of a pre-deceased son of a pre-deceased son, widow of a pre-deceased son of a pre-deceased son.

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